Historical Information

THE PRACTICE OF RECORDING real estate documents is based on law in England which traveled to the New World with the colonists. Public land registers were appointed in colonial America to keep accurate records. A system of registration was necessary to prove rights to persons who first made claims to property.

IN 1787 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY was formed, encompassing all lands north and west of the Ohio River. A Recorder's office was established in each county. Ohio became a state in 1803 and at that time, the Ohio General Assembly mandated that a Recorder be appointed in each county by the Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas. In 1829 the Recorder's office became an elective position, and in 1936 the term was established at four years.

TODAY THE COUNTY RECORDER KEEPS AND MAINTAINS accurate land records that are current, legible and easily accessible. An important aspect of the Recorder's work is to index each document so it may be readily located. Accurate indexing makes it possible for persons searching land records to find the documents necessary to establish a "chain title" (history of ownership) and ensures that any debt or encumbrances against the property are evident. These invaluable records are utilized by the general public, attorneys, historians, genealogists and land title examiners.

Linda Oda is the 24th person elected as Warren County Recorder. She took office on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. The Warren County Recorders’ office was created in 1803 when Michael H. Johnson was appointed to the position by the Common Pleas Associate Judges.

Years Served Recorder
2013 – Current Linda Oda
1984 – 2012 Beth Deckard
1965 – 1983 Edna L. Bowyer
1941 – 1964 Pearl M. Graham
1919 – 1940 Allen Huffman
1911 – 1918 Josiah Holbrook
1902 – 1910 Philip Spence
1899 – 1901 Charles W. Munger
1893 – 1898 Henry H. Dunham
1884 – 1892 Charles H. Eulass
1878 – 1883 Henry H. Dunham
1871 – 1877 Thomas H. Blake
1866 – 1870 Americus B. Gooch
1862 – 1865 Philip F. Sullivan
1860 – 1861 Mortimer Zell
1859 Felix S. Welton
1847 – 1858 John R. Bone
1843 – 1846 William Sherwood
1842 Isaiah M. Corbly
1837 – 1841 Gabriel Sellers
1834 – 1836 Allen Wright
1824 – 1833 Asahel Brown
1810 – 1823 Enos Williams
1803-1809 Michael H. Johnson