Frequently Asked Questions

What is your mailing/delivery address?

  • Warren County Recorder
  • 406 Justice Drive
  • Lebanon, Ohio 45036

How do I reach the Recorders office by phone?

  • Office Number 513-695-1382 or 1383
  • Fax Number 513-695-2949

How do I reach the Recorders office by electronic mail?

Who do we make checks payable to for recordings or copies?

Make checks payable to the Warren County Recorder

Does your county have tract (geographical) indexing?


Does your county require a legal description with release and assignments?


Does your county require $4.00 for marginal notations on release and assignments?


What do you charge for copies made by the public?

25 cents per page

What do you charge for copies made by the Recorder's Staff?

$2.00 per page

Does your county require a SASE or postage?


Does your county have Registered Land (Torrens)?


Does your county supply blank forms for purchase?


What is your county's document turn around time?

Typically, 24 hours

Does your office record Soldiers Discharge Records (DD214)?


What is your policy for handling documents that are over or under in filing fees?

Shortages are returned unrecorded. Exact filing fees are required or documents are returned unrecorded. It is our suggestion that you open an escrow account so that documents that are over or under the required amount can still be recorded on the day presented.

If I want a copy of my deed or other document, how do I get it?

All documents are online and printable from your home or business computer.